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Banking & Finance

Kershner Sledziewski Law's finance and banking team, Junilla Sledziewski and Fern Goldman, represents lenders for negotiation, documentation, and structuring of secured and unsecured transactions across industries including commercial and industrial, commercial real estate, dealer floorplan, and more. They draw upon years of experience and teamwork to provide support in SBA lending, senior, mezzanine and subordinate financing, inter-creditor transactions and other lending transactions. Kershner Sledziewski Law also handles commercial collections, foreclosure, asset recovery, workout and creditor bankruptcy issues.


Kershner Sledziewski Law is dedicated to providing clients with proficient representation in navigating unusual loan structures, troubled loan  situations and court processes. We take pride in our ability to efficiently and skillfully respond to each client we represent.


We represent lower to middle market institutional and non-traditional lenders on a variety of real estate and asset-based lending issues, including loan documentation, mezzanine financing, deal structuring and Article 9 issues.  


Kershner Sledziewski' Laws focused understanding on banking and finance has developed record success in:



We have successfully recovered millions of dollars in unpaid invoices and bad debt, utilizing state court remedies including foreclosure, replevin, and citations to discover assets.  

Creditor Bankruptcy Issues

We represent creditors affected by financial insolvency issues in bankruptcy court including filing proofs of claim and navigating adversary proceedings.


We prepare loan documents to secure lender and investor interests in real estate and business assets of borrowers.  We also advise on mezzanine financing, deal structuring and Article 9 issues.  


We navigate state court foreclosure proceedings to recover real property assets, utilizing receivership and  

SBA Lending

We are adept at navigating the SBA’s unique requirements and have experience with 7a and 504 loans, as well as workout and collections of bad SBA loans.   

Workout / Distressed Loans 

We handle workout and distressed loans, using informal negotiation where possible and court processes when needed, including foreclosure, replevin, citations to discover assets, garnishments, and complex multi-party litigation. 

Kershner Sledziewski Law provides thorough and thoughtful analysis of documentation and deal structure to ensure maximum protection and recovery in the event of litigation or collections. Our experience on both sides of a transaction provides invaluable perspective and foresight.


Kershner Sledziewski Law strives to effectively achieve your objectives in any default or insolvency scenario. Junilla has experience structuring and documenting loan workouts, debtor-in-possession and exit

financing agreements.


If someone owes you or your business money, contact Kershner Sledziewski Law today.

Get In Touch

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Kershner Sledziewski Law, LLC

141 W Jackson Blvd

Suite 1525

Chicago, IL 60604


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